Minimalism Life

Our mind is our most powerful tool and we have the opportunity to develop and listen to it or limit its potential.

I’ve always had a growth-mindset and great motivation to pursue my passions—like a mental drive or an itch in search of more. Although, until I started adopting a minimalist lifestyle, I wasn’t making the time to adequately pursue my dreams.

My mind was cluttered with self-doubt and fear. Mostly the fear that I may never live my best life—a life that is true to who I am and fulfills my goals and values.

It’s been a year since I began leading a minimalist lifestyle and I have slowly stripped away this fear. Minimalism has inspired me to eliminate excess noise and embrace my vulnerabilities.

I began this journey by removing all physical clutter, including material items that weren’t bringing me joy. I immediately felt calmer, I felt a new sense of space, and I gained time back. I then tackled digital clutter, much of which was coming from my smartphone. I removed apps that weren’t advancing my life and I turned off notifications that were fragmenting my focus. I’ve since developed a clearer understanding of my innate identity and a deeply focused frame of mind, which describes what a minimalist mindset means to me.

This lifestyle inspired me to take a step back, review my goals and values, rework unconstructive habits, design new ones, and live each day with greater purpose.

I no longer feel the need to react to life’s distractions or temptations that can set me off track. I am more intentional with my time, I have the attention to produce deep work, and I embrace the joy of missing out.

Today, I see fear as a compass and I dance with it. I am more in control of my every day and I’m proactively taking action to reach my dreams.

I am on the path to developing my best life and inspiring others to do the same.