Minimalism Life
Expensive clothes are not an investment
Luxury fashion won’t grow your wealth
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Beyond the empty room
When minimalism feels cold, comfort brings balance
Words by Carl Barenbrug
Learn to love less
When you focus on enjoying less, you focus on full enjoyment
Words by Leo Babauta
Finding yourself in spareness
In spareness, you find enough
Words by Leo Babauta
Mental minimalism
Clearing the clutter in your mind
Words by Cory Allen
Bye-bye bicycle
This is me, practicing what I preach
Words by Catherine Durkin Robinson
Uphill yet thoroughly fulfilling
My awakening journey of decluttering in a society of keeping
Words by Pelin Hazar
Simplicity in the wild: lessons from nature
How the beauty of nature inspires intentional living
Words by Pouya Saadati
Why the giant unicorn doesn't matter
Three important principles of minimalism
Words by Justin Davis
How to inform others about minimalism
Share your intentional lifestyle with clarity and confidence
Words by Thor Schroeder
We’re busy, but with what?
The importance of buffers in our lives
Words by Carl Phillips
How to build a capsule wardrobe
Live happier with fewer but better pieces
Words by Minimalism Life
Creating space
My unique path to harmony
Words by Marcin Kozakowski
The concept of silence
More than the absence of noise
Words by Nate Grant
My social minimalism journey
Deeper connections and more meaningful relationships
Words by Steven Mareels
My massive minimalist mistake
A lesson learned from the role of productivity in my journey to simplicity
Words by Matt Javanshir
What matters to you?
All the pretty things...that don’t matter at all
Words by Vanessa Lopez
Pizza for the planet
Or you may prefer guacamole for the globe
Words by Michael Sexton
Going analog as a minimalist
Silencing the technological noise
Words by Mackenzie Wade
Newsletters over social media
When you still live with your parents and can't apply minimalism at its fullest, start from your digital space
Words by Gabriele Diotalevi
My minimalism adventure so far
From discovering the word of minimalism, to experiencing and understanding it every day
Words by Mark Tan
Minimalism is...
Thoughts on finding the edges of minimalism
Words by Maarten P. Kappert
Minimalism: pros and cons
From external possessions to internal fulfillment
Words by Nate Grant
We get to choose
A minimalist life may not be what everyone is seeking...and that’s OK
Words by Karen Weissert
Walking with lightness
Movement as meditation
Words by Carl Phillips
Kindly step away from your phone
Exploring a life of phone-free moments in a world that beseeches technology
Words by Karen Weissert
The Ikigai and the houseplant hobby
How plants can help one find harmony and purpose in life
Words by Samuel Brillo
American divorce cleaning
How minimalism prepares you for the unthinkable
Words by Katherine Davis
The interplay of solitude, minimalism, and awareness
Cultivating depth in a busy and beautiful world
Words by Nate Grant
Spring cleaning with an art historian
Embracing minimalism passion for restraint and examination of form
Words by Alex Bresalier
Simpler tools and technologies
Tools should be means to an end
Words by 47Nil
A beginner's guide to minimalism – Part II
More tips to keep on your way to your best self
Words by Nate Grant
Embracing freedom
The art of letting go through minimalism
Words by Nate Grant
"I" as in impermanence
Nothing is permanent and that's wonderful
Words by Nate Grant
A maximalist and minimalist connect through a shared love of home
Words by Kristen Ziegler
A second watch
The lowest point in my life and the year that changed it all
Words by Matt Javanshir
Simplify and breathe
The power of beginner's mind
Words by Carl Phillips
The cookie jar
Un-purposing on purpose
Words by Dorenda Crager Watson
Being a reliable narrator
Three pathways to the road of honest minimalism
Words by Heather Spiva
Sailing through simplicity
My journey from Dubai's glitz to a nomadic minimalist life
Words by Micka Touillaud
A beginner's guide to minimalism – Part I
You're on your way to your best self
Words by Nate Grant
In minimalism, freedom is the ultimate goal
Words by Nate Grant
Less and more
Reflecting on life's volumes
Words by Carl Barenbrug
Lowering your life's requirements
What happens when your requirements start piling up?
Words by Leo Babauta
Mum's the word
The lessons children offer in the art of letting go
Words by Emma May Cruickshank
Playing the 30-day minimalism game
How a minimalist was still able to purge 496 items in a month
Words by Heather Spiva
Minimalism is weird
The power of one word to stop our curiosity
Words by Karen Weissert
Scientific minimalism
Applying lessons from scientific exploration to your personal minimalism journey
Words by Poornima Jha
You've got mail (again)
Relaxing into your inbox one thoughtful email at a time
Words by Karen Weissert
Small pile
Reconnecting with objects I own
Words by Sarah Addagada
Socially without
How getting rid of Instagram for two months changed me 
Words by Heather Spiva
What are we really decluttering?
The healing magic of letting go of things
Words by Dr. Egypt Iredia
A mindful journey
How minimalism has transformed my life
Words by Zainab Fatima
To protect and to preserve
Maintaining the peace we have cultivated in a world married to chaos and conflict
Words by Karen Weissert
I left everything behind
Discarding my old sense of self
Words by Angie Davila
Minimalism is a lever
Edit, experiment, refine
Words by Carl Phillips
My ikigai
Finding peace in climbing
Words by Carl Barenbrug
The dreamhouse: an American nightmare
Overcoming burdensome expectations and making room
Words by Robert Zimmerman
Hard choices
On the power of letting go
Words by Carl Phillips
Comparing apples and oranges
Comparison is the thief of joy
Words by Karen Weissert
Setting boundaries
Lessons from my cat
Words by Alicia Woodward
Thieves made me save the elephant
How Minimalism ended my wild lifestyle and led me to save wildlife instead
Words by Allen Rubió Sandico
Awakening to life
What Thoreau discovered at Walden Pond
Words by Ben Cohen
Have I missed the checkpoint?
Words by Omar Hasan
Netflix's Minimalism is now on YouTube
A documentary about the important things
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Memento mori
a great gift to give yourself
Words by Alicia Woodward
Simplicity equals freedom
Making friends with simplicity
Words by Carl Philliips
Leaving the nest
Letting go of my home country
Words by Poornima Jha
Get started with this easy method
Words by Alicia Woodward
How we got rid of everything to go on a full-time travel adventure
Words by Shannon Colton
Leveraging the power of less to give your mind more
Words by Carl Phillips
My minimal(ish) revelation
Remembering to turn off autopilot
Words by Emma May Cruickshank
A beautiful backyard mess
Fully appreciating another person’s enough
Words by Karen Weissert
Self-care for the mind and soul
Minimalism isn't about deprivation
Words by Chris Wilson
The power of play
How play is a powerful antidote to mental clutter
Words by Jayashree Chenglath
Who I was going to be
And what happened instead
Words by Courtney
Chasing rainbows
A childhood window into moving beyond the desire to "own"
Words by Claire Kelly
Unexpected benefits of letting go
You gain more than you may think
Words by Kelly Foss
A cluttercore corner
Recognizing a problem and doing something about it
Words by Eleanor Loughlin
The fall
How letting go of it all meant opening the door to a new life
Words by Anna Elin Kristiansen
Make better use of your days
Avoiding the modern time trap
Words by Ben Cohen
In the kingdom of things
A journey from excess to the abundance of less
Words by Dorenda Crager Watson
A lesson in sentimental stuff
Growing out of the memories we keep
Words by Karen Weissert
How it began
Kristen in a carry-on
Words by Kristen McKendry
On possessions
What you possess, you lose
Words by Carl Phillips
Designing space
With apologies to Marie Kondo
Words by Kristen McKendry
The thing about things
Stuff is just stuff
Words by Berry Samba
How minimalism uprooted my life
A radical shift leads to a new start
Words by Dee Gabrielle
Unlearning habits through minimalism
Finding abundance without all the stuff
Words by Tayler Bailey
Divorce and minimalism
Which came first for me?
Words by Cheryl Esch
Time, not toys
Learning what my kids really need to be happy
Words by Nichole Cox
Creating art as a parent
Making more of less time
Words by Lisa R. Benson
Beginning a fulfilling life
My journey to minimalism at 21
Words by Janee Hitesman
Noise cancellation
Embracing the sound of the present moment
Words by Omar KH
Minimizing digital distractions
Three simple changes to regain control over your phone
Words by Tizian
Eight years of minimalism
Minimizing after the birth of my daughter
Words by Jude Turnbull
Slowing down is an act of minimalism
Do less and do it better
Words by Manu
Closed when I have enough
A minimalist’s business philosophy
Words by Patricia Wiroreno
Slay the dragons
Stop chasing someone else’s idea of normalcy and build your own
Words by Gretel Sarmiento
Throw me a digital sheep!
Escaping to the lush green meadows of the “real world"
Words by Shashank SN
Keep it simple, but structured
Simplify your life so you can organize your time more easily
Words by Alex Galben
Living for everyone else
Don't end up living the life you don't want
Words by Leo Babauta
A minimalist approach to tech
You don’t need expensive gear to do great things
Words by Shashank SN
30-day minimalism game
Find someone who’s willing to minimize their stuff with you next month
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Our minimalist Christmas
Hand-made gifts lead to richer experiences
Words by Sara Molinatti
Brimming with emptiness
How owning less helped me to stare into the void
Words by Oliver Sharman
Watering our plants
Simplifying our lives by choosing to focus
Words by Carl Phillips
Minimalism has been easy for me
My journey in a nutshell
Words by Justin Burger
Waking up at 4 a.m.
Why and how
Words by Tomas Lekavicius
Living ultralight
Minimalism in the wilderness and at home
Words by Leslie Watson
Lessons in haiku
Embracing the white space in our lives
Words by Carl Phillips
My twelve months of minimalism
How minimalism changed my vision in just a year
Words by Sushrut Mishra
Saying goodbye to our home
Letting go to gain freedom
Words by Shannon Colton
Three reasons to seek other POVs
We all do what we do for a reason
Words by The Minimalists
Being able to walk away
Your ability to walk away is your strongest tool
Words by Leo Babauta
Goals are nothing without habits
Without habits, goals are just abstract aspirations
Words by Shawn Mihalik
Channel surfing
There is always something better
Words by The Minimalists
Carry less
Pockets like air
Words by Leo Babauta
Simplifying teacher appreciation day
A minimalist educator’s response to gifts
Words by Leslie Watson
To remind yourself of something’s value, let it go
Sometimes, the best way to know whether something truly adds value to your life is to get rid of it for a while
Words by Shawn Mihalik
The beauty of the ellipsis
Silence is the best part of speech
Words by Leo Babauta
How letting go made me productive
More tasks, more problems
Words by Andrew Rocha
Seven ways to make conversations meaningful using minimalism
Conversing with a close friend can be one of our most intimate experiences
Words by The Minimalists
Minimalism vs. fear
Fear stops us from being minimalists
Words by Leo Babauta
Impulse purchases and the benefits of retroactive intentionality
If you buy a thing, use the thing
Words by Shawn Mihalik
A bunch of things I did to get out of debt
A path toward financial freedom
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
On wanting stuff
There is no way to stop wanting, but there are ways to reduce the desires
Words by Leo Babauta
The ideal shoe wardrobe for a minimalist
A footwear edition of finding my enough
Words by Leslie Watson
First, find your what
Take the first step
Words by Shawn Mihalik
The power of representation in minimalism
How visibility helped me overcome limiting beliefs and stereotypes about minimalism
Words by Pierre Monnerville
The definitive guide to sticking to your new year’s resolutions
The 6 changes method for creating new habits
Words by Leo Babauta
The worst Christmas ever
What if we were happy with the toys in front of us?
Words by The Minimalists
Everything else is extra
What matters? And what doesn’t?
Words by Andrew Rocha
Giving gifts that matter
The best presents don't come in a box
Words by Carl Phillips
Minimalism’s greatest superpower
Voluntary simplicity builds strength to endure life’s heaviest loads
Words by Leslie Watson
Mental minimalism and reducing opinion overload
Making space for our own thoughts
Words by Dr. Egypt Iredia
Minimalism isn’t traveling the world with nothing
Clearing up some misconceptions
Words by Leo Babauta
The burden of attachment
All attachment leads to suffering
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Thanks. Giving.
A daily practice for gratitude and giving
Words by The Minimalists
From individuality to "us"
How minimalism changed my life
Words by Serra İspahani
A special event
Words by Rita Isceri
My anxiety and minimalism
Finding beauty and calm in clear spaces
Words by Hector Borba
Abandon, embrace
The art of soul minimalism
Words by Joel Tefft
Minimalism in business
How minimalism boosts productivity
Words by Alitzel Guerrero
Minimalism expressed through my lens
Inside my minimalist mind
Words by Sofia Demetriou
An unexpected benefit of living with less
Words by Shannon Colton
Spiritual reset
When minimalism leads to clarity in unexpected areas of life
Words by Sekulaer
Minimalist mobility
A car was supposed to give me independence, but I felt free only when I gave it away
Words by Felix Strohbach
How do you know when you have “enough”?
A question we asked the community and the answers we received
Words by Minimalism Life
A minimal morning
What does your minimal morning look like?
Words by Simone Eyles
One size rarely fits all
What works for me might not work for you
Words by Andrew Rocha
Simplifying is not just about less
It's about abundance, too
Words by Carl Phillips
Hitting the road
How having less gifted me everything
Words by Anthony Do
The true value
The true value of a thing is in its purpose
Words by Viktoria Zhulego
Letting go is not something you do
It is something you stop doing
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
The inevitability of letting go
The things we love won't always be there
Words by Shawn Mihalik
Don’t upgrade
We don’t need Product X to live a good life
Words by The Minimalists
The hazards of multi-switching
We can only love a limited number of things at a particular time
Words by Evelyn Chong
Existential clutter
The only way to silence the noise is to let go
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
From clutter to clarity
How I finally beat the overwhelm of stuff
Words by Alexandra Aspey
The bliss of being minimalist
How my minimalism journey has helped myself and others
Words by Wisnu
So you married a maximalist
How to live with your opposite
Words by Katherine Davis
Hit the restart button
Two simple tips that helped me created more room in my life
Words by Jean Ong
Recalibrating through simplicity
Simplify your journey by recognizing past patterns
Words by Carl Phillips
Two sides of deadlines
When deadlines actually give us more time, not less
Words by Bernice Go
Minimalism and your health
How creating your minimalist lifestyle may be the critical first step to overcoming chronic illness
Words by Eric Levinson
Consumerism to minimalism
How I transitioned into a minimalist
Words by Sushrut Kumar Mishra
Constructing a simplicity framework
Two lists to help simplify your life
Words by Carl Phillips
Stop and enjoy the biscuit
Step away from the always-on mentality
Words by Chris Lovett
When is it serviceable to say no?
A lesson from a lockdown
Words by Julie Katigbak
Imperfect is the new perfect
Perfectionism is a futile endeavor
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Living a simple and authentic life
Decluttering your mind to reconnect with your true self
Words by Alitzel Guerrero
Are you truly successful?
Words by The Minimalists
Simply living my best life
How minimalism changed my life
Words by Heba Shahab
Mistakes, regret, and the desire for change
One man’s journey from the depths of collecting to a more minimal lifestyle
Words by Steven Crosbie
Why I bother with minimalism
The foundation of lasting peace can only be found in the why
Words by Sam Kain
Create space for stillness
Why it’s important to focus on the right things in the right way
Words by Kelly Foss
Tranquility or trinkets?
Everything has a price
Words by Andrew Rocha
Minimalism and mental illness
How minimalism helped me cure a pre-depression state
Words by Francisca Duarte Gonçalves
If you had all the time in the world, what would you do first?
A question we asked the community and the answers we received
Words by Minimalism Life
Minimalist running
How a minimalist approach to footwear got me back on my feet
Words by Nicholas Hallows
In pursuit of space
Finding balance with mental and physical room
Words by Dara Zycherman
Minimalism paved the way
Minimalism opened my eyes to self-improvement
Words by Josephine Juanbe
Enough with the excess
Learning to scale back and find contentment with less
Words by Andrew Rocha
We already have enough
How recognizing we have enough can free us from comparison traps
Words by Nicholas Hallows
Obsolete things
The objects that add value today may not add value tomorrow
Words by The Minimalists
What do you really want?
A simple question that leads to a better life
Words by Andrew Rocha
Three ways to get better at saying “no”
Saying “no” could be one the most important skills you need right now
Words by Chris Lovett
The freedom of staying small
Words by Carl Phillips
From stuff to self
A journey continents, countries, states, cities, and zip codes
Words by Falak Zaffer Ghatala
Success does not exist
What do you think of when you think of success?
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
At what point is enough, enough?
What "enough" looks like for each of us is personal
Words by Carl Phillips
Keep it simple
The less stress we put into improving ourselves, the more productive we become
Words by Andrew Rocha
The cycle
A brief musing on the cycle of buying stuff
Words by Ore Oluwole
Struggling with digital minimalism
What to do with social media networks as a small content creator
Words by Burkhard Rosemann
Living life intentionally
How moving her family across the country caused a small-town girl to break up with her stuff
Words by Christen Peterson
The clarity in less
Words by Carl Phillips
What aren’t you prepared to walk away from?
A question we asked the community and the answers we received
Words by Minimalism Life
Minimalist remorse
The trial and error of a new lifestyle
Words by Katherine Davis
Super powers in minimalism
The only superpower we can choose
Words by Andrew Rocha
Into the wild of fulfillment
How an unintentionally poignant moment forever changed my creative mindset
Words by Kyle Pucciarello
No hair, no problem
Letting go of what we think defines us
Words by Nicholas Hallows
Everything in its place
Unpacking two households after moving in with mom
Words by Alicia Woodward
A watered-down life
Life is too short to be diluted
Words by Andrew Rocha
Assessing our relationships
How minimalism can help us remove toxic people from our lives
Words by Shuba
Misplaced minimalism and plastic whales
Toddlers, lockdown, and forgotten intentions
Words by Rebecca Givens
The tools in our pockets
Being mindful of what I carry throughout the day
Words by Andrew Rocha
Unopened, collecting dust
How my collections of action figures consumed me until I discovered minimalism
Words by Nicholas Hallows
Does this thing bring me balance?
How minimalism contributed to my healing process
Words by Moony Thinker
Don’t stuff the bag
Some thoughts about unpacking a busy life
Words by Andrew Rocha
Life-changing words of simplicity from a child in Africa
Words by Alicia Woodward
Walking with less
How a journey across Spain led me to a minimalist lifestyle
Words by Regina Castro
The joy of a curated life
Curating my days provides much needed space for solitude
Words by Jen Ditchik
Starting over
Furnishing and curating a new life after letting go of everything
Words by Nicholas Hallows
Got peace?
No thing is more valuable than your peace of mind
Words by Andrew Rocha
What are you prepared to walk away from?
A question we asked the community and the answers we received
Words by Minimalism Life
Living an unpretentious life
On embracing a boring lifestyle
Words by Christoffer Kaltenbrunner
Paring ideas
As we learn, we can pare down ideas that we find out don’t matter
Words by Leo Babauta
The perfect holiday gift
11 ways to give your presence (even from a distance)
Words by Alicia Woodward
Attitudes of gratitude
A December gratitude challenge to usher out the year
Words by Alicia Woodward
The solution is the problem
It is only when we understand the fundamental nature of the problem that it is eradicated
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Moving with stillness
Stillness in motion
Words by Carl Phillips
A tiny house of treasures
What it lacks in spaciousness, it makes up for in human connection
Words by Anna Elin Kristiansen
How has minimalism affected your life?
A question we asked the community and the answers we received
Words by Minimalism Life
Forty reasons to avoid shopping on Black Friday
You needn’t succumb to the pressure; if it’s worth buying on Friday, it’s likely worth buying in January, too
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Letting go of ambitious commitment
Instead of setting unrealistic goals, let go and leave room for something better
Words by Andrew Rocha
Mindful subtraction
The power in reduction
Words by Carl Phillips
I could never give up
You might surprise yourself by what you can give up
Words by Leo Babauta
Online congruency
Your online persona should be a mirror of you, and nothing to be ashamed of
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Minimalism is not an empty shelf
It is the start of a more intentional framing of our lives
Words by Carl Phillips
Changes in the rearview
It took me two long years to change my life—one small change at a time
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
The simple joy of housekeeping
Finding focus, meaning, and gratitude in routine chores
Words by Alicia Woodward
The minimalism of not knowing
Not knowing isn’t bad, it’s just different, so let our minds wander around in the dark for a bit
Words by Leo Babauta
Stop consuming busy
Commit to another path and a more meaningful metric for a life well-lived
Words by Carl Phillips
Your minimalist home
Six questions to help define your style, save money, and avoid clutter
Words by Alicia Woodward
What is clutter?
Our lives are brimming with clutter, so let’s fix it
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Fulfillment through minimalism
How a minimalist lifestyle is helping me achieve happiness and fulfillment
Words by Kelly Foss
Write for yourself
Getting past the distractions, excuses, and self-doubt
Words by Deborah Deacon
Letting go of fake needs
Examining our needs and asking ourselves why they are so important
Words by Leo Babauta
3 pm happiness updates
What are you happy about today?
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Letting go of what I once decided to keep
Less clutter without letting go of cherished memories
Words by Shannon Colton
Why did we stop reading?
How to remove the obstacles that get in the way of our reading
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Confessions of an ex-hoarder
Lessons learned in my search for meaning
Words by Daisy U
Do it by hand
Words by Leo Babauta
A well-edited life
Sometimes the best way to grow is to subtract
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
On finding contentedness
Simple things you can do today to learn to find that contentedness
Words by Leo Babauta
Under the influence of impulse
We feel as though we need everything we want, and we need it right now
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
What are you doing?
Like words, actions have an impact, too
Words by Justin Yoon
The minimalism of tea
An appreciation of a simple pleasure
Words by Leo Babauta
Counting material possessions
Taking a physical inventory of your life can be eye opening
Words by The Minimalists
The reason I left Facebook
And a dozen benefits of doing so
Words by Alicia Woodward
Nostalgia is dangerous
Glance at the past, but focus on the present and the future
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Eight ways to distraction-free living
Simple methods to staying focused and letting go
Words by Carl Phillips
On being joyful
When did we stop the pursuit of joy and start focusing on coping?
Words by Cindy Johns
A Corona wedding
5 simple lessons for this mother-of-the-bride
Words by Alicia Woodward
Forever does not exist
The most important reason to live in the moment is nothing lasts forever
Words by The Minimalists
Building your trust muscle
Letting go of control to put your trust in others
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Stop hiding behind masks of another kind
Words by Alicia Woodward
When can minimalism be taken too far?
My minimalism journey to extreme and back again
Words by Shalee Rae
The pressure we put on ourselves
When the pressure becoms too much, you have control to relieve it
Words by The Minimalists
Reducing barriers through simplicity
The importance of creating space for a simpler life
Words by Paul Glennon
What the hell are you talking about?
Consider the impact you are making with your words
Words by The Minimalists
The minimalism game
How I stopped hiding behind organizational skills
Words by Alicia Woodward
Too many screens
How many screens do we really need?
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
2020 vision
Evaluating our intentions halfway through a wacky year
Words by Alicia Woodward
The more experienced we are, the more unlearning we have to do
Words by The Minimalists
Why decluttering is hard
The struggle of letting go isn’t really about our stuff
Words by Daisy Uy
Time and space
The importance of taking time for oneself in an uncertain era
Words by Korkoi Quaye
My little minimalist haven
A mindful retreat from eclectic clutter
Words by Ana Saprygina
Decluttering mental clutter
You are in control of you and your circumstances
Words by Ryan Nicodemus
Stimulate the economy like a minimalist
Improving the economy through individual, intentional decisions
Words by The Minimalists
Minimalism and behavioral economics
How insights from Economics can help you lead a more considered life
Words by Luke Arundel
Habitual complaining
Accept the unchangeables and appreciate what you have
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Change your life with one question
If you want to reap the rewards of a happy, peaceful life filled with opportunity, begin your day by asking one question
Words by Chris Wilson
Dare to be bare
How inner and outer minimalism invited peace during our apartment lockdown
Words by Anna Elin Kristiansen
The true cost of using my phone
How minimizing my mobile device made it more valuable than ever before
Words by Paul Wallas
My minimalist mindset
Embracing defiance in the face of modern non-essentials
Words by Dara Zycherman
The essential creative life
Every artist has a unique story
Words by Jen Ditchik
Room for clarity
Roll up the rugs to uncover a more straightforward existence
Words by Vivette García
Crisis of meaning
Finding purpose in our daily lives
Words by The Minimalists
Advertising for grown-ups
Grappling with cartoons, logos, and labels
Words by Bernice Go
Slow living in lockdown
We are in a time of uncertainty, but have the opportunity to enjoy uninterrupted stillness
Words by Thomas Winward
We've been made to stop
How one virus taught the world to slow down and simplify
Words by Hache Jonathon Leonard
The solid ground you need
Simplifying family life in uncertain times helps provide solid ground to stand on
Words by Emma Scheib
Responsible decluttering during crisis
How we can responsibly declutter during a time of world panic
Words by Hannah Johnson
White space
Using white space beyond the page
Words by Carl MH Barenbrug
Poetic minimalism
Celebrate National Poetry Month by writing a haiku
Words by Alicia Woodward
Finding comfort in crisis
How reflecting on essentials during this pandemic can help create a better world
Words by Hannah Johnson
Life goes on
Using minimalism to navigate through life
Words by Christoffer Kaltenbrunner
Being at home offers time for nesting
Words by Alicia Woodward
Minimalism kills fear
Fears can keep you from doing what you want to do, but minimalism can lead you to freedom
Words by The Minimalists
Alone time
Whether introvert or extrovert, try to learn more about yourself
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
A place to relax
Minimalist hygge in your bedroom
Words by Minimalism Life
Health is a vehicle, not a destination
Take care of the vehicle that is your health so you can better enjoy the journey ahead
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
A rose and Its thorns
Embracing the painful parts of letting go
Words by Deborah Deacon
Pretty simple
Redefining minimalism to reflect your personal style
Words by Alicia Woodward
Social media spring cleaning
Why I unfollowed over 100 accounts on Instagram
Words by Kooper Gordon
Turning a passion into a profession
What it takes to make the most of your passion
Words by Shawn Mihalik
Running away
How minimalism helped me learn to stand still
Words by Amanda Rupert
Letting go of the worry
What it feels like to no longer worry about money
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Detail before retail
Why you should find time to make pasta
Words by George Maguire
Mnmllist version 2
Your minimalism bookmark: a directory of links that lists all things minimal
Words by Minimalism Life
Slow traveling minimalist
How slow travel and minimalism make the perfect pair
Words by Shelley Gautam
Focus on what you can control
There are three things you can control every day. Your attitude, your effort, and your actions.
Words by Tod Meisner
In defense of boredom
The life-changing art of curiosity
Words by Madison Robertson
The creative life
How minimalism frees up the time and space to create
Words by Alicia Woodward
Winter’s sound of silence
10 ways to bring more peace and quiet to your days
Words by Alicia Woodward
A week without my smartphone
How a week without a smartphone taught me to rethink my relationship with tech
Words by Conor Mitchell
Living a lighter life in 2020
Removing the weight of clutter and rising up in a lighter and happier way
Words by Heather Aardema
The minimalism paradox
How quality and expense have sparked conversation in the minimalist community
Words by Audrey D. Jamandre
Confessions of a guitar hoarder
How to put an instrument collection to good use
Words by Steve Housewright
Nuances of minimalism
An introduction to the fundamental differences of minimalism as a guiding principle
Words by Carl MH Barenbrug
If, then
Remove the ‘if’ clause from your declarations and reveal your true potential
Words by The Minimalists
That one goal
Concentration of productive effort instead of divided attention
Words by Rutvi Rossaendra M.
A twelve-week roadmap to help you rediscover the home you love underneath the stuff
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
In weakness veritas (and minimalism)
Finding meaning and purpose on the road less traveled
Words by Anna Elin Kristiansen
A mirror of truth
How minimalism forced me to see the truth about my life
Words by Emmanuel Kontovas
Three rules for a clutter-free life
What a life as a digital nomad has taught me about accumulating stuff and getting rid of it
Words by Alexandra Huetter
A merry, minimalist Christmas
How to enjoy the festive season without losing your mind to consumerism
Words by Conor Mitchell
Living to a higher standard
Using minimalism to reduce our footprint
Words by Carl Phillips
Moving into space
How spending time in an (almost) empty house showed me just how calm life can be
Words by Karen Quaintmere
An irresponsible Christmas
It’s irresponsible for us to believe that purchasing presents is a holiday requirement
Words by The Minimalists
The future of minimalism
What will the future of minimalism look like?
Words by Raphael Dahan
A cornerstone of our life
Understanding the value of a growth mindset
Words by Filip V.
Tuning in to abundance
Abundance is not something we acquire—it is something we tune in to
Words by Alicia Woodward
The power of silence
A language everyone should master within
Words by Filip V.
A time-tested virtue
A path to wisdom and a motor vehicle that allows discipline and dedication to become progress
Words by Filip V.

Be still, be you
Reflection is the key to enlightenment
Words by Richard Long III
Letting go of leaves and things
A day, less cluttered
Words by Alicia Woodward
On the road to truth
Learning to live up to your full potential
Words by Heather Aardema
A scented space
How scent can bring you closer to the present
Words by Hannah Micaela
How to reach the end of the internet
How we can use our devices, rather than our devices using us
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Listening to the sound of silence
What silence can teach us about life
Words by Korkoi Quaye
What it means to be human
Giving yourself grace so you can live with purpose
Words by Sandra Gibbons
This page left intentionally blank
The world pushes us to add, but the secret is to focus on subtracting
Words by The Minimalists
Safe places
Using the philosophy of “you only live once” to live a life of quality
Words by Rutvi Rossaendra M.
Embracing the process of craft
In defense of the amateur experimenters
Words by George Maguire
Finding your Idaho
Cultivating a simple state of mind in your everyday life
Words by Madison Robertson
Better questions
Asking better questions leads to better answers
Words by The Minimalists
Be on the mountain
A way to let yourself be present in a place of total awareness
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
A quiet place
Carving out quietness in a world full of noise
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
A disconnected life
A new relationship between you and your phone
Words by Deborah Deacon
Twelve chairs lighter
Problem solving to reduce the crazy amount of furniture we found ourselves owning
Words by Donna Sherriff
A minimalist in the making
Leaving a career for a calling
Words by Heather Aardema
Highly sensitive and that's okay
Self-acceptance in a world filled with noise
Words by Gina Lucia
The searching artist
Finding art that moves you
Words by Fonny Stone
Giving space to deviations
Allowing a little flexibility in our systems of order and discipline
Words by Jacob Matto
A road to recovery
How minimalism helped me escape anorexia
Words by Alexie Monti
Living more with less
Why asking the important questions leads to better alignment in our lives
Words by Parth Sawhney
The doors of life
Finding direction through endless possibilities
Words by Louis Johnson
The hygge life
Finding contentment the Danish way
Words by Korkoi Quaye
The benefits of solitude
Meet Solitude—a close associate of mine who never lets me down
Words by Filip V.
The necessity of time unplugged
Learn to unplug from the online world so you can reconnect with the world right here, right now
Words by Carl Phillips
Living the dream
How minimalism changed my perspective, my routine, and my dream
Words by Dianne Salcedo
Travel and minimalism
How time spent traveling in less-fortunate countries can shift your perspective on materialism
Words by Haley Jones
Learning to appreciate the small things
How valuing your day-to-day experiences can make life more meaningful
Words by Luke Arundel
An imperfect home
How minimalism is teaching me to be a better host
Words by Deborah Deacon
A journey of minimalism
Why the pursuit of less is really the pursuit of more
Words by Remco Vermeulen
Why I built a minimalist smartphone
The difficulties of trying to balance minimalism with using a smartphone
Words by Alex Davidson
Il dolce far niente
The essence of doing nothing and enjoying it
Words by Korkoi Quaye
The road to no fixed address
How I went from being a loft-owning, senior manager to sleeping in 40 places in 40 months
Words by Stephanie Kennar
New measures of success
How my personal minimalist journey made my business thrive
Words by Charlie Brown
Less stuff, more value
Using minimalism as a tool to manage my life more simply and intentionally
Words by Tiina Ilmavirta
The slow grow
Why planting is enchanting
Words by George Maguire
Living with intent
Why minimalism has staying power in modern times
Words by Nicholas Hallows
Minimalism redefined
How self-defining minimalism results in the most authentic and inspiring life
Words by Madison Robertson
The next step
Achieving happiness is not always the result of minimalism unless we’re more intentional with it
Words by Damon Bernard
Be aware
How being aware of your surroundings can possibly lead to a less-stressful life
Words by Hannah Micaela
Renegade minimalist
How losing your way can bring you to the path back to yourself again
Words by J. Ko
The elephant in the room
Making a plan for the days after decluttering
Words by Henry Gibbs
Techno minimalist
How minimalism helped curate my interest in technology
Words by Conor Mitchell
Curating a natural home
When what remains speaks volumes
Words by Chelsea Jarred
You don't need much to be happy
How a minimalist lifestyle can help you take back control of your life
Words by Ivaylo Durmonski
The start
Hitting the reset button on our busy lives to experience the joy of less
Words by Chris Lovett
Controlling the floodgates
Becoming the driver behind our own consumption of information
Words by Jacob Matto
The trouble with clothes
How I learned to clean out my closet
Words by Lauren Elizabeth
A life edited
Minimalism: what it is, is not, and could be
Words by Conor Mitchell
Discussing space
If there is no space, there is no opportunity
Words by Marc Champagne
Building the right things
Forget transient products—let’s build things that matter, and repair them when they break
Words by George Maguire
Needing stuff
Newborns, necessity, and the importance of fluid minimalism
Words by Rebecca Rimmer Givens
Sticking to routine
Creating and following a habitual routine, even when motivation gets lost
Words by Kristian Dodd
Finding simplicity in nature
Five reasons to choose Alaska for a minimalist vacation
Words by Katlyn Holt
Beauty in simplicity
Creating meaningful utilitarian art along my minimalist journey
Words by Sarah Wise
A noticeable calm
How anxiety led to minimalism
Words by Justin Meckes
Minimalism, music, and multitasking
How music helped me integrate minimalism and combat multitasking
Words by Victoria Kuryan
What your skin deserves
Why we need to bring minimalism to skincare
Words by Deborah Deacon
A minimalist mindset
How minimalism inspired me to regain focus and own my life
Words by Kelly Foss
The simple kitchen
How I discovered that food is more and less than you think
Words by George Maguire
Time to turn off
Knowing how to give respect to the day and yourself
Words by Jacob Matto
Professional minimalism
How I applied my life principles to our company’s design process
Words by Paul Wallas
The three points system
A way to explore your town for an hour as if it was a long-lost kingdom
Words by Jacob Matto
Rushing out of time
When we talk about minimalism, we usually think about things, but what about your time?
Words by Filipe Corrêa
A light bulb moment
Minimalism gave me the peace I was trying to buy
Words by Eat Save Live
Redefining abundance
Discovering what abundance means to me and how I can live with less
Words by Karen Quaintmere
Make room
A nomadic lesson in appreciating space with fewer things
Words by Pete Ruiz
A reluctant minimalist
Why I’m slowly becoming minimalist, one step at a time
Words by Joe Daniels
A lifelong minimalist
How Bruce Lee’s practice of fundamentals allowed him to live a fulfilled life
Words by George Maguire
Minimalism is a lifestyle template
How I’ve used minimalism as a template to design my ideal life
Words by Kelly Foss
Questioning the norm
How can we design essentials that are versatile, durable, and timeless to contribute to a better planet?
Words by Hannah Micaela
Living with less
How life on the road has been the best idea I’ve ever had
Words by Debbie Ringo
Simple is not easy
The challenge of simplicity may not be easy, but is worth the time and effort
Words by Bozenka Myslinka
A better Black Friday
How you can combat the consumeristic culture by placing contentment before capriciousness
Words by Hannah Micaela
Don’t throw away your kindness
Declutter your stuff, but don’t get rid of your compassion and understanding
Words by Faye Williams
From a suitcase lifestyle to simple living
How temporarily living with one suitcase can impact the rest of your life
Words by Arlie Bledsoe
The art and obligation of minimalist travel
How packing only what you need can change the way you see the world
Words by Joe Schneider
Cultivating values
The journey to evaluating and cultivating values does not have to be as daunting as it seems
Words by Hannah Micaela
Big decision, clear answer
Evaluating values and finding direction will lead to better decisions
Words by George Maguire
A minimalist office space
How a minimalist setup can reduce distractions, increase focus, and improve efficiency
Words by Chad Maxa
Minimalism is an individualistic journey
There is diversity in minimalism in spite of the 'perfection' that is portrayed online
Words by Hannah Micaela
The ultimate bookmark for minimalists featuring a simple list of links to all things minimal
Words by Carl MH Barenbrug
Less stressful adventures
The art of traveling with less stress
Words by Vegan Paetra
The comparison game
What happens when too much of a good thing turns sour?
Words by Hannah Micaela
Minimalism: An ancient philosophy
What modern minimalists can learn from the ancient ideas of Stoicism
Words by Luke Arundel
Frugality and the simpler life
Is being frugal really necessary in order to lead a minimalist lifestyle?
Words by Carl Phillips
Fourweeksgood: Copenhagen
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world’s most livable cities—Copenhagen, DK
Words by Minimalism Life
Passionate about nothing
Not having a defined passion is not necessarily a bad thing
Words by Tod Hammond
Life after loss
Memories of our loved ones don’t live in material things
Words by Chris Shank
Learning that the best way to grow is to subtract
One young woman’s journey from organizational hoarding to a life of minimalism
Words by Hannah Micaela
Minimalist travel: Less luggage, more substance
A seasoned traveler’s recipe for low-stress, high-impact international adventures
Words by Dawid Wiacek
Fourweeksgood: Budapest
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world’s most livable cities—Budapest, HU
Words by Minimalism Life
Simple sustainability
Incorporating sustainable practices in a throw-away culture
Words by Hannah Micaela
How I became a peripatetic minimalist
Why I merged travel and minimalism to find balance in my life
Words by Maria Hanako van Straaten
A minimalist journey to life
Create a life that is written and illustrated by you and only you
Words by Laura Winter
Fourweeksgood: Melbourne
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world’s most livable cities—Melbourne, AU
Words by Minimalism Life
Simple isn't easy: Mastering the basics
Timeless style can be more than just an aesthetic ideal. It can be a manufactured reality
Words by George Maguire
The case for minimalism
My journey as a student from researching minimalism to living with purpose
Words by Madison Robertson
Applied minimalism: What athletes know about focus
To be great at sports we must focus on the essentials. But we must not miss the bigger picture
Words by George Maguire
Natural disaster: Accidental minimalist
A Minimalist’s journey amidst burnout and natural disaster
Words by Michaux M. Brooks
Fourweeksgood: Antwerp
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world’s most livable cities—Antwerp, BE
Words by Minimalism Life
Consumerism is the original virtue signaling
Our real values can be signaled only by our actions, not our things
Words by The Minimalists
Letting it all go to regain control
Life can be a wonderful adventure when you focus on the important things and let go of the meaningless
Words by Christina Ugrinova
How travel helped me change my life
Taking a step back from routine to travel the world and learn to live with less
Words by Mark Fowler
Minimalism: More than stuff
There has been no better tool to opening my eyes to freedom than minimalism
Words by Suzanne Khan
Fourweeksgood: Berlin
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world’s most livable cities—Berlin, DE
Words by Minimalism Life
Removing my social media
How do you know if someone has left a social network? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you
Words by Tod Hammond
Clearing the path
A personal reflection into the journey of minimalism
Words by Steve Dunn
Living with non-minimalist skin
Can I be a minimalist and a tattoo collector at the same time?
Words by Rebecca Rimmer Givens
A social minimalist
How owning less freed up my time, money, and confidence to do more
Words by Theo Drijver
Fourweeksgood: Tokyo
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world's most livable cities—Tokyo, JP
Words by Minimalism Life
A simpler choice
Less choice, better decisions: The advantages of setting artificial boundaries
Words by Nicolas Magand
Getting more out of less space
How my college dorm room taught me to live in a more minimalist and happier way
Words by Katie Vartenigian
I’m not a minimalist, but…
We can use minimalism as a tool without it taking over who we are
Words by Carl Phillips
Fourweeksgood: Auckland
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world's most livable cities—Auckland, NZ
Words by Minimalism Life
The great earth dilemma
Have we lost sight of our positive intentions for living a more simplistic lifestyle?
Words by Melanie Lindsay
Interview: In conversation with Daniel Rueda
I want to bring a smile into the lives of my followers
Words by Minimalism Life
A minimalist new year’s resolution
A plan to focus my precious time on things more important to me
Words by Joshua Fields Millburn
Fourweeksgood: Vienna
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world's most livable cities—Vienna, AT
Words by Minimalism Life
Creation over consumption
Life isn't about finding yourself - Life is about creating yourself
Words by Ali Cornish
The meaning of the season
Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and give thanks continuously
Words by Ali Cornish
Treasures and tranquility
Purging sentimental items when dealing with burden, grief, and hope
Words by Lauren Wagstaff
Fourweeksgood: Stockholm
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world's most livable cities—Stockholm, SE
Words by Minimalism Life
Loss > Gain
Why loss can bring so much more than we think
Words by Deborah Williams
Minimalism journey in Europe
Living with less and enjoying more, for six months
Words by Quentin Bellanger
Leisure time
It’s necessary that we instill space and create the life we want
Words by rejoyrevolution
Fourweeksgood: Amsterdam
Four weeks of living and freelancing in one of the world's most livable cities—Amsterdam, NL
Words by Minimalism Life
When minimalism scares your family
How to explain Minimalism to the people you love the most
Words by Jennifer Ullrich
Exploring myself as a minimalist
Learning to live a simple joyful life
Words by Jelena Rayner
Minimizing our impact on the environment
It’s less about product usage & more about product volume
Words by Luke Arundel
Wherever you are, be all there
Beware the broken promises of multitasking. Be present and focused to live a productive life
Words by Ali Cornish
Reducing your mental clutter
Working toward a life where your mind is clear and focused
Words by Marc Champagne
Interview: In conversation with håndværk
We produce for the one that is truly thoughtful when investing in a product
Words by Minimalism Life
My humble journey toward minimalism
Now I believe that you can find happiness in owning less
Words by Gan Boon Yi
A beautiful process
I realized everything was different - I was different and it felt right
Words by Stephanie Palmer
Switching off
Technology doesn't always lead to a simpler life. Learning to let it go can be just as rewarding
Words by Matthew Shaw
Unappreciated value of silence
Silence is right here, right now, and we all need to make time for it - The chaos can wait
Words by Manu
Minimize to simplify
5 Areas of Our Lives We Can Minimize to Simplify
Words by Carl Phillips
Conquering a closet
How I found the unexpected relief of streamlining my wardrobe and clarifying my identity
Words by Jillian Conner
North to Alaska: Intentional minimalism
Leaving mostly all of it behind to live a more meaningful life
Words by Wesley Cheney
The great compromise
Learning that to live with someone, you must live with them
Words by Sam Howell
Cycling toward minimalism
How a simple machine lead to a simpler lifestyle with integrity
Words by James Hazelwood
The light phone
A phone designed for going light and to be used as little as possible
Words by Minimalissimo
The glacier
Find your image of minimalism and give a sense and meaning to it
Words by Pedrø Asti
Brain food
How mindful eating changed my life in more ways than one
Words by Deborah Williams
Discovering minimalism
How a simple idea can inspire a world of positive change
Words by Sam Howell
What I learned as a kid
Realizing that simplicity in thinking and performing is the fastest way to accomplish bigger things
Words by Vinorum
Why I love saying no
The importance of creating space for what you value in life
Words by Thomas Hamlin
Unsuspected benefits of minimalism
Peeling back the layers brings less anxiety and more clarity
Words by Caren Magill
Intention over easy
Cultivating persistence is key when faced with doubt
Words by Melissa Erwin
A minimalist lifestyle is hard
Becoming a Minimalist is one thing - Living the life of a Minimalist is where the real challenge begins
Words by Harlem Williams
Fundación Casa Wabi
Ando's unique architectural design impresses for its visual impact and perfect fit for its art residents
Words by Minimalissimo
Out of balance
Realigning work and home life after realizing my job didn't reflect my minimalist values
Words by Kris Vogelsang
Five simple steps to a realistic routine
There's a simple process that starts with living each day intentionally
Words by Aja Edmond
Reasoning the need
Minimalism is intended to satisfy our deepest needs, not neglect them
Words by Antony Millen
The true cost of a sale
Why we must learn to buy today with tomorrow in mind
Words by Kat Adams
A lesson from traveling light
Having lots of stuff does not give you more control
Words by The Elementarist
The shopping spree of a minimalist
Beyond the addiction, a recovering shopaholic returns to the mall with a minimalist mindset
Words by Vicki Nelson
Fitting my life into a suitcase
How I changed my thinking about material possessions to focus on what brings me productivity and joy
Words by Nicola Smith
Illusions of joy
How I learned to let go of ideas that were secretly poisoning me
Words by Dominic DiMaria
The artistic sound of minimalism
The project of Palazzo Grassi proves that minimal design and performances can live beautifully together
Words by Minimalissimo
Discovering place
Avoiding the experience of placelessness by applying a mindset of minimalism in exploration and discovery
Words by Ryan Jordan
Thirty days to minimal
An opportunity to rethink how we blog and the very essence of what we create and why we create
Words by Minimalissimo
Minimalism reinvented
High-end streetwear and future-inspired designs are revealing the rebellions potential of minimalist fashion
Words by Lily McFly
The Bauhaus School: Founders of modernism
An alternative to uninspiring manufactured products, reimagining the role art can play in society
Words by Aja Edmond
The sculptor
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Words by Zachary Paul
Less stuff & more adventure
Minimalism led our family to explore new places and chase experiences instead of things
Words by Clare Devlin
The black ranger
Escaping the false promise of more: why I stopped searching for the missing piece
Words by Zachary Paul
On reading and mindfulness
Reading in a distraction-led world is hard. Choosing what to read is even harder
Words by Darren Millard
Meaningful, minimalist conversation
How 3 simple questions can make conversation meaningful
Words by Clare Devlin
Minimalist productivity
How to get more done in life, by choosing to do less
Words by Bridget Baker
Comparing apple to oranges
Don't make simplicity complicated
On this road to minimalism, don't get caught up in rules or numbers; simplicity shouldn't be complicated
Words by Clare Devlin