Minimalism Life

Nowadays, the world asks a lot of things from you, but you can choose what to do and not to do. Be smart and spend your time investing in your health, body, mind, appearance, emotions, and passions. Don’t be fooled by social media, and don’t buy all you see on the Internet. Create, don’t consume, be mindful. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t panic if you feel behind in life. Your time will come.

I’ve made a list of some of the lessons I've learned that I think can contribute to a better life.

Don’t chase people

Your energy and time are precious. Don’t waste them on people who are not interested in you. People come and go, don’t be afraid to lose them. If you truly want to be surrounded by quality people, work on yourself first. Don’t try to impress people. Be humble, talk less. Be kind. Also, don’t spend time with toxic people. Life is short, and you can’t afford to let people ruin it. Keep a small circle. Do good deeds even if you don’t receive them back. At the end of the day, you’ll feel better about yourself, and people will notice your behavior in time.

Declutter your digital life

Keep apps that truly have value for you, that help you achieve tasks during the day. It’s okay to keep social media apps, but filter them. In my case, I use Instagram, but I deleted TikTok because it was taking so much time from me, while Instagram keeps me inspired. Declutter the social media apps that you do chose to keep. Maintain a simple timeline. Unfollow people and pages that don’t add value. Less is more. Also, it’s a good idea to keep a backup of all your data. In conclusion, transform your phone or PC into a tool that gives you value.

Buy less

Choose quality over quantity, always. It’s better to have fewer things if they are truly meaningful and qualitative to you. In this context, quality often means a higher price. Usually a higher price means more comfort over time. For example, I would choose to buy a $300 jacket over a $50 jacket, because the more expensive one will likely last years. Same thing for a desk, a chair, a bed, a laptop. These are all things that I’ll keep for many years, so I’ll buy the best version of them without even looking at the price. It’s an investment. Give a purpose to anything you own. If you can’t give it a purpose, get rid of it. One more thing, though : It’s important to take care of your things, but do so without stressing much about it.

Organize your life

Use calendars, reminders, notes. Fill these tools with tasks that are truly important to you. Try planning your day the night before. This way, you’ll know exactly what to do with your time, and you’ll feel motivated to stick to your plan.

Be financially smart

Cancel all the monthly subscriptions you don’t use. Don’t spend money on junk food or clubs, and think twice before buying something. Make your money move, don’t let it stay in your bank account. I’m not saying to trade it for things or invest in stocks, especially if you don't know how trading works, but you can use your money to invest in yourself.

Take care of how you look

Your appearance is important. It has a huge impact on people's first impressions of you. Be well dressed, build a style and groom yourself. Invest time in grooming and styling, because these things can give you a lot of confidence during the day.

Be active and eat well

You have to have a clear mind during the day. So try going to the gym, or at least do some exercises at home. Practice a sport. Physical exercise increase your health and relieves stress. If you decide to go to the gym, do it for yourself and focus on exercises only. Try eating as healthy as you can. If you eat well, laziness will disappear, you’ll be more motivated, and your brain will work better. Combine this with exercise and quality sleep, and you’ll be almost invincible. Discipline is key. Be strong.

Don’t lie to yourself

Try to build a clear and honest image of who you are and what you’re actually doing with your life. Don't sabotage yourself. Thus you can improve yourself more easily and you can decide what to do in the future, like adopting new habits or a new way of thinking. You don’t have to be a perfectionist. It’s all about consistency.