Minimalism Life

We spend all our lives in the pursuit of more, and that’s how we get trained in the society we live in. But if we choose to live mindfully and intentionally, there is an alternate way we can live our lives; living a simple life with less. Minimalists follow the simple equation: Less stuff = More life. The reasons are simple:

More Time and Energy

The less we own, the less time and energy we spend on ‘managing’ our stuff. We get more time and energy to do things that matter the most to us.

More Focus

A cluttered home is also a symptom of a cluttered mind. With less visual clutter and more empty space, our mind gets less overwhelmed. With a relaxed mind, we are able to focus better and attain a flow state easily.

More Calm

The more clutter we have, the easier it becomes to lose things and forget the important ones. Stuff adds more stress to our lives as we need to constantly work towards managing, organizing, and cleaning them, leaving us worried and frustrated. Owning less basically translates to eliminating things that make us feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed.

More Space

With less stuff, we are able to get back the compromised space in our rooms, closets, and basements. With empty spaces, we are able to ‘breathe’. Instead of succumbing ourselves to an invisible faux claustrophobic environment, we start to realize that we have more than enough space to live a happy life. We are able to finally relieve ourselves of a need for more.

More Freedom

When we let go of stuff, we let go of the baggage that was previously anchoring us down. We become free mentally, physically, and spiritually. We get more time, space, and money and we can do whatever we want with them.

More Flexibility

With freedom also comes flexibility. Instead of working for long hours, we can shorten our time working and spend more quality time with our partner or our children. We can work on projects that truly align with us and add immense value to other people’s lives with the flexibility that we don’t get in a regular job.

More Clarity

Minimalism helps us get rid of excess and a great side benefit of this is that we uncover our core values in the process. To paraphrase The Minimalists, our short-term actions start aligning with our long-term values. We can decipher what we truly enjoy and what matters to us the most.

More Efficiency and Productivity

With fewer things around vying for our attention, and with better organization, the speed with which we do our tasks and household chores increases drastically. We spend less time and still finish all the work efficiently. Our productivity skyrockets.

More Self-worth

We realize that what we own doesn’t determine our identity and our character. We begin to understand that our words and actions communicate to the world what kind of person we are—not our stuff. We become convinced of the truth that our self-worth is intrinsic and cannot be measured by our material possessions.

More Gratitude

When we start living with less, we become more appreciative of the things that we already have in our homes and our lives. Everything that we have adds value to our life in one way or the other and we feel contented. When we become aware that what we have is enough for us, we are able to cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude.

More Contribution

Giving away our non-essentials can sometimes contribute to the betterment of someone’s life. Our junk can be someone’s treasure. Our stuff finds a better home and is able to again add value to someone else’s life. Also, we are able to direct some of the money that we save from buying less towards charity or supporting a worthy cause. Last, but not the least, when we consume and buy less we make the world a better place by reducing our environmental footprint and waste.

More Quality Relationships

We have more time to spend with our partner, play with our kids, or meet a friend for a coffee. We also become more open and comfortable with inviting friends and loved ones to our place as there is less tidying and upkeep required. Our home becomes a soothing haven to nurture and develop our friendships and relationships. As an outcome, they deepen and flourish with time.

More Happiness

When we adopt a minimalist lifestyle, we learn to ask the right questions. Sure, it starts with asking questions about the stuff we have in our homes, but then we get on a trail of asking better and deeper questions:

  • What is truly important to me?
  • What kind of work brings me more meaning and fulfillment?
  • What things and activities help me experience long-lasting joy?

When we ask these questions, we are able to attain better alignment in all areas of our lives. We understand that happiness doesn’t come from our belongings, but it comes from our experiences. As Henry Van Dyke points out, ‘Happiness is interior, not exterior; therefore, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.’

More Money

When we embrace minimalism and own less, we also tend to spend less money. And whenever we buy, we do it intentionally having put a lot of thought behind our purchase. We buy because we need something and see it having a purpose and meaning in our lives, not because it is cheap or for sale. We are also able to save money that we can direct towards things that fulfill us such as traveling or cultivating our passion.