When we adopt the minimalism ideology, we use it primarily as a tool. A tool to rid the excess in life to make way for that which is important and for the things we value most. Minimalism not only inspires me to live more simply, it also influences my approach to design.
I wanted to create a resource that many minimalists would value—and not just the design conscious looking for a bit of inspiration, but even those looking to live a more meaningful life. I didn’t look to recreate something that already exists with a simpler approach. Instead, I realised that what I needed simply did not exist—an ever evolving list to all things minimal. I decided to create the ultimate bookmark for minimalism enthusiasts, including everything from books, bikes, clothing, furniture, to technology. All presented in a clear, well-structured, and unobtrusive categorised list of text links. Created in collaboration with web developer Manu Moreale, we launched Mnmllist.
It lists only 3 items per category, but each category can be expanded to display more links if we’ve got round to adding them.
Of course, there are many blogs and resources out there dedicated to minimalism, but nothing that is open to literally anything. The site is still in its infancy, but we’re having fun curating this over time, and we invite contributions if you can think of any categories or specific links you think we should add. We hope this little Mnmllist site will become a useful resource for you. If not today, then perhaps when it’s more mature.