Minimalism Life

I do not recall the exact day that I had first discovered minimalism, however I do remember viewing a Ted-talk video that spoke about the topic done by none other than the Minimalists duo, Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Fields Millburn.

It did not take me a long time to figure out their message throughout the talk, right after I had finished watching the video, I thought having a lifestyle with less staff was a cool idea, I then took immediate action by removing stuff which I figured someday I would frequently use, that was ten years ago.

How time has quickly gone by, 10 years, damn! During these years, I am grateful and lucky to have known about minimalism in my mid 20s, what is luckier back then in my opinion, unlike having to find out why having a minimalist lifestyle could enhance our overall health, I immediately started decluttering and have been doing so for 10 years now, so there is no going back.

I have owned a couple of books, namely Hello, Habits and Goodbye, Things written by Fumio Sasaki from Japan; I have yet to own any books written by Joshua and Ryan as the Minimalists but have watched and am still watching their documentaries, I am also watching videos created by Matt D’Avella, plus many others! Those are the gentlemen who inspire me to continuously doing what I do on a daily basis, I am thankful and would like to meet them all in person, do some project and podcast altogether.

Since I have fully understood the value which minimalism brings for ages, even at the age of 34, I have told my parents and elder sister and still reminding them especially the only things that I am still having, if I am gone by accident, they just have to get rid of my things within an hour, in my opinion, then life goes on for everyone, as I am putting my full attention to anybody and anything that matters to me, and living the life to the fullest.

Whoever and wherever you are, I love you, as Joshua and Ryan have constantly reminded me and you to, “love people, use things, because the opposite never works.”