Minimalism Life

Every month we ask a single question where we invite answers from the Minimalism Life community. And at the end of each month, we share some of our favourite responses. All responses remain anonymous, but it’s an interesting insight into how this nuanced tool, minimalism, can be life-changing for many people.

In December, we asked, “What are you prepared to walk away from?”

“Goals . . . all of them.”

“I am prepared to walk away from all of the clothing currently occupying space in three closets in my apartment.

This will be an excellent start for me not only because it’ll empty out the space, but also because I feel as though this could truly open up the flood gates.

Although it’s a significant amount of stuff, it’s really only one thing.”


“I’m ready to let go of my my urge to buy random stuff. I’m ready to keep focusing on the important things, again. I’m ready to cultivate even more the relationships with my friends and family.”

“Almost everything if it's with the one I love. Not because she fulfills me in a dependent way, but because I've learned to let go of everything I don’t need to love her as much as I can. And that makes me happy.”

“All but my wife and my pup. Things don't love me, but they certainly do.”

“I'm prepared to walk away from conforming to society's ideas of happiness and success. I'm prepared to walk away from the pressure I put on myself to be perfect. I'm prepared to walk away from everything that I thought was normal and okay and forge a new path for myself and my family. I'm prepared to walk away from fear and turn towards courage.”

“I am prepared to walk away from the things that don't define my real self; those things that society wants me to be. I am ready to let go of the things that don't measure up to my happiness and peace of mind.”

“Everything, apart from the people I love.”

“My past.”


Want to share your own answer? This month we’re asking “What aren’t you prepared to walk away from?”