When people ask me about minimalism, I tell them that it isn’t about owning nothing; it is about being mindful and grateful and willing to let go when something no longer serves me. It’s about paying attention to the things I accumulate, and the reasons I accumulate them. I try my hardest to live my life by these minimalist values. But when it comes to taking care of my body, and my skin in particular, I know I cut corners.
I want to take good care of my skin. But my choice of products has always been determined by what is available, what is affordable, and what is eye-catching. Whether it’s sunscreen, face wash, moisturizer, or a bar of soap, I tend to look at the price and the pretty packaging and ignore the ingredients.
In the past, when I realized that a product I bought was irritating my skin, I would put the half-empty container under my bathroom sink (in case I ever wanted to use it again) and go back to the store to repeat the process. I never used that product again, I spent more money, and I accumulated more products that disappointed me. The cycle was never-ending and completely at odds with the minimalist values that I apply to every other area of my life.
The more I applied minimalism to my life, the more I realized that my skin could benefit from my mindful, minimalist focus. In the past year, I began to pay attention to the products I used. I learned about the harmful effects of the synthetic preservatives that are in most cosmetic and skincare products. These preservatives are used to extend the shelf life of a product.
I realized that while so many products may have looked or smelled great, they were filled with things that weren’t natural or healthy for me. This realization has led me to search out brands that make skincare products in a more responsible way.
I’ve found a lot of great natural skincare brands over the past year, but NUORI deserves a special mention. NUORI is a Nordic skincare brand that focuses on making fresh skincare products. Instead of relying on synthetic preservatives and other additives like stabilizers, fillers, color, and fragrance enhancers, this company produces small batches of their products every 10 to 12 weeks. The result is products that are more pure, potent, and natural.
As founder Jasmi Bonnén says, “Fresh skincare makes sense the way fresh food does.” NUORI’s way of making skincare products is not the norm, but it should be. Our skin deserves to be taken care of. It deserves fresh and natural and healthy products just like our bodies deserve fresh, natural, and healthy food.
Moving forward, we need to continue searching for and supporting skincare and cosmetic brands that provide healthy, natural options. We need to keep paying attention to the ingredients in the things we buy. Mindful self-care may take more effort, but it will always be worth it.
This article was made in collaboration with NUORI